Parliamentary Questions Courses Tobacco Free Times Search Conflict of Interest


1 Jharkhand - Nodal officer appointment by Education department
2 Jharkhand COTPA AMENDMENT bill
3 Jharkhand Education department - TOFEI Implementation
4 Jharkhand_Gutka Ban Order
5 Circular_Constitution of Flying Squad for Tobacco Control_Food Security Commissioner Officer_Jharkhand
6 Circular_COTA 2003 Enforcement_Chief Secretary_Jharkhand
7 Circular_COTPA 2003 Enforcement-Ranchi Municipal Corporation
8 Circular_COTPA 2003 Section 7 Enforcement_Dept of Medical Health and Education
9 Circular_COTPA 2003 Enforcement_Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
10 Criteria for Declaring Smoke Free Jurisdiction
11 GATS 2 Jharkhand Fact Sheet-1
12 GATS 2 Jharkhand Fact Sheet-2
13 GATS 2 Jharkhand Fact Sheet-3
14 Circular_Smoke-free Public Places_Ranchi Municipal Corporation
15 COTPA 2003 Enforcement_Signage
16 Order_Cosntitution of Sub-division Flying Squad for COTPA 2003 Enforcement_Ramgarg
17 Order_Enforcement of Section 4-COTPA 2003_DC_Ramgarh
18 Minutes of Meeting_District Tobacco Control Coordination Comnmittee
19 Order_Block Level Flying Squad for COTPA 2003 Enforcement
20 Order_Enforcement of Section 5 (1) and 5(3)-COTPA 2003_Ranchi Municipal Corporation-2
21 Order_Enforcement of Section 6 of COTPA-2003_DC_Ramgarh
22 Order_Enforcement of Section 5 (1) and 5(3)-COTPA 2003_DC_Ramgarh
23 Order_Enforcement of Section 5 (1) and 5(3)-COTPA 2003_Ranchi Municipal Corporation
24 Order_Fine_Challan-for-COTPA-2003-violation_Ranchi-Municipal-Corporation
25 Order_Nodal Officer for TCI_Ranchi Municipal Corporation
26 Order_Enforcement of Section 6A-COTPA 2003_Ranchi Municipal Corporation
27 Order_Enforcement of Section 6A-COTPA 2003_Ranchi Municipal Corporation
28 Template_Wall writing towards TCI
29 Order_Tobacco-free Educational Institutes_DC_Ramgarh
30 Signage_Tobacco-free educational institutes
31 Jharkhand-GATS-2-Factsheet
32 Pan Masala Ban
33 Gutka Ban Jharkhand
34 Jharkhand Revised Guidelines TOFEI